JUSTEC Policy Regarding Inviting Commercial Entities

JUSTEC is happy to invite commercial entities to display, promote and sell materials at the JUSTEC annual conference as a good opportunity for all to exchange new ideas and convenient teaching/learning resources.  If your company is interested in marketing activities at the JUSTEC annual conference, please apply to the JUSTEC office for the detail.

In order to insert your company’s advertisement in the JUSTEC Abstracts and Proceedings for the next annual conference,  please submit your data 3 months prior to the annual conference.
  • Face/Back page (A4 size): 1 page   (Only 2 companies are available.)
  • Advertisement section (A4 size): 1 page  
  • Deadline: Ask JUSTEC Office for detail.
  • Data form: PDF

Inquiry:   JUSTEC Office  justec@tamagawa.ac.jp