Japan-U.S. Teacher Education Consortium
29th Annual JUSTEC Conference

JUSTEC 2017 was Successfully Concluded!

Sep. 14th – Sep. 17th, 2017

Supported by
The U.S. Embassy, Tokyo
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, Japan
The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE)

Host University: University
of Hawaii at Manoa

JUSTEC 2017 Theme:
Professional Development in Teacher Education
JUSTEC 2017 leaflet
JUSTEC2017 Program
Visitor's Guide
Proceedings and Abstracts of the 29th Japan-U.S. Education Consortium
Keynote Address: Dr. Thomas Jackson
Specialist Faculty member, University of Hawai`i at Manoa
Director, p4c Hawai`i and the Uehiro Academy for Philosophy and Ethics in Education

gphilosophy for children Hawaiei (p4c Hawaiei) is an innovative approach to education that is transforming the schooling experience by engaging people in the activity of philosophy. The p4c Hawaiei approach aids students and teachers in converting traditional classrooms into intellectually safe communities of inquiry. Together, they develop their ability to think for themselves in responsible ways by exploring gbig questionsh that arise from their interests, experiences, and learning contexts. The school visit on Thursday is tied into the keynote address to see gphilosophy for children" in action in the classrooms.